Ibaraki’s one-stop shop to provides businesses with all the support they need to establish and run a successful business

Support Services
1.Business Matching Support

We are providing business matching support and other incentives to attract international businesses in Ibaraki Prefecture.

2.Incentives and benefits

For more details, please refer to section below.

3.Location support

We provide assistance and support in identifying and securing the appropriate offices or facilities tailored to your requirements.

4.Living in Ibaraki

We can also provide information on education (international schooling) hospital and other life-related support.


We are able to arrange inspection tours to Institutions you wish to visit.

Please contact us.


Make use of our incentives and come expand in IBARAKI !

Step 1  Joint Research Trial Subsidy [Maximum of 2 million yen]

Candidates:Foreign-owned businesses* that are newly conducting joint research and development with universities, laboratories, businesses and other institutions in the prefecture.

Details Subsidy Amount

Subsidy is applicable to labor costs, subcontract costs, supply costs and other expenses related to research and development jointly conducted by foreign-owned businesses and universities, laboratories, businesses and other institutions in the prefecture.

Maximum of 2 million yen

Step 2  Subsidy for the Establishment of a Project Facility [Maximum of 6.4 million yen]

Candidates: Foreign-owned businesses* that will establish new offices and other facilities in Ibaraki

Categories Details Subsidy Rate (Amount)
Establishing Expenses

– Market research expenses when establishing the corporation
– Expenses for every type of registrations when establishing the corporation
– Expenses to obtain a residence status
– Concerning items above, translation and interpretation fees in addition to sundry expenses (travel expenses, supplies expenses, etc.)

Within half of the expenses
(within 2 million yen)

Rental Expenses Rental expenses for 12 months after the rental start date

Within half of the expenses
(within 2.4 million yen)

Research & Development Expenses

Labor expenses, subcontract expenses, supplies expenses, depreciation expenses and other costs related to research and development

Within a quarter of the expenses
(Within 2 million yen)

*Requirements to be considered a foreign-owned enterprise candidate

(Enterprises that fulfill either condition 1, 2 or 3 below)

1. Foreign-owned Enterprise

A corporation that was established based on Japan’s laws and regulations and in which the number of shares held by foreign businesses exceeds a third of the total amount of outstanding shares, or in which investment funds from foreign businesses exceed one third of total investments.

2. Enterprise equivalent to a foreign-owned enterprise

An enterprise in which its total outstanding shares or total investment funds are issued by a foreign-owned enterprise. 

3. Foreign Enterprise

A corporation that was established based on the laws and regulations of a foreign country.

Step 3  Startup Visa [Maximum Residence Status of 2 years]

Candidates: Entrepreneurs wanting to reside in Japan for business preparations in Ibaraki


Residence in Japan is possible through the “Designated Activities” status that grants residency for a maximum of 2 years for business preparations.
(With some conditions included)


Startup Program for Foreign Entrepreneurs(Commonly called: Startup Visa System)

* Please consult with us as soon as possible because whole the application process might take approx. two months.

* In principal, we ask that you please fill out the documents in Japanese. Please consult with the prefecture if filling them out in Japanese is an issue . We can introduce you legal specialists called administrative scriveners.

*In principal, projects in service industry are out of range of applicable projects.

Please contact us.

〇How to apply

Foreign Capital Enterprises Subsidy

No.1: Subsidy Grant Application Form

No.4: Application Form for Approval of Change

No.6: Subsidized Activity Results Written Report

No.8: Written Requests for Settlement

Please contact us.

Method of Establishment

For information concerning the methods of operating in Japan, click the URL below




*Also, before considering operating in Japan, we recommend consulting with a lawyer beforehand.